Columbus State University Faculty Bibliography | Faculty Endeavors | Columbus State University

The Faculty Bibliography highlights the scholarship and creativity of Columbus State University's faculty.


Submissions from 2020

Service encounter microblog word of mouth and its impact on firm reputation, Jennifer Brannon Barhorst, Alan Wilson, Graeme James McLean, and Joshua Brooks

Negative tweets and their impact on likelihood to recommend, Jennifer B. Barhorst, Alan Wilson, and Joshua Brooks

Negative Tweets and Their Impact on Likelihood to Recommend, Jennifer B. Barhorst, Alan Wilson, and Joshua Brooks

Characterization of Respiratory Pathogens in Contemporary Lung Transplant Recipients, K. Bazemore, N. Permpalung, M. Rohly, I. Timofte, A. Brown, J. Orens, A. Iacono, S. Nathan, R. Avery, H. Valentine, S. Agbor-Enoh, and P. Shah

On the application of financial security standards in blockchain platforms, Gabriel Bello and Alfredo J. Perez


Building Excitement for Reading and Building New Friendships: Using Book Bistro with Pre-Service Teachers and Middle School Students, Erinn Bentley

High School Mathematics Lessons to Explore, Understand, and Respond to Social Injustice, Robert Q. Berry III, Basil Conway, Brian R. Lawler, and John W. Staley

Consideration of Future Consequences Influences Involvement in Romantic Partners’ Health, Tiffany L. Berzins, Jessica E. LaBuda, and Judith Gere

Manufacturing Matters: A Case Study of Alabama, Nicholas Bolden, Cal Clark, and James Agbodzakey

DID SERVANT-LEADERSHIP SAVE THE LONE SURVIVOR? The Pashtunwali Ethos as a Foundation for the Practice of Servant-Leadership, JASMINE BORDERE and FRANKLIN G. MIXON JR

Creating ‘Confederate Pioneers’: A Spatial Narrative Analysis of Race, Settler Colonialism, and heritage tourism at the Museu da Imigração, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, São Paulo, Jordan P. Brasher

Positionality and Participatory Ethics in the Global South: Critical Reflections on and Lessons Learned from Fieldwork Failure, Jordan P. Brasher

Was Tulsa’s Brady Street really renamed? Racial (in)justice, memory-work and the neoliberal politics of practicality, Jordan P. Brasher, Derek H. Alderman, and Aswin Subanthore

Was Tulsa’s Brady Street Really Renamed? Racial (in)Justice, Memory-Work and the Neoliberal Politics of Practicality, Jordan P. Brasher, Derek H. Alderman, and Aswin Subanthore

Does Mathematical Anxiety Differ Cross-Culturally?, Jennifer Brown, M. Ortiz-Padilla, and S. Soto-Varela

Children as community planners: embodied activities, visual-spatial thinking, and a re-imagined community, Camille L. Bryant, Andrea D. Frazier, Becky Becker, and Amanda Rees

Five Experts Respond to Five Questions about Five Trends in Compensation and Benefits over the Next 5 Years, Phillip C. Bryant; Duncan Brown; Charles Cotton; , Brad Hill; Michael Gibbs; and Michael C. Sturman

Five Experts Respond to Five Questions about Five Trends in Compensation and Benefits over the Next 5 Years, Phillip C. Bryant, Duncan Brown, Charles Cotton, Brad Hill, Michael Gibbs, and Michael C. Sturman

Including U.S. State Government Regulation in the Economic Freedom of North America Index, Noel D. Campbell, Alex Fayman, and Kirk C. Heriot

Hierarchy of Desire: Partner Preferences and Social Identities of Men Who Have Sex with Men on Geosocial Networks, Cory J. Cascalheira and Brandt A. Smith

Property confiscation and the intergenerational transmission of education in post-1948 Eastern Europe, Steven B. Caudill, Stephanie O. Crofton, João Ricardo Faria, Neela D. Manage, Franklin G. Mixon, and Mary Greer Simonton

Impact of politics on emotional exhaustion, satisfaction and turnover intention, Sow Hup Joanne Chan and Mark James

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model of Grit and Meaning Orientation, Jinsoo Choi, Young Sohn, and Suran Lee

Intelligent health services based on biomedical smart sensors, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Juan A. Gómez-Pulido, and Alfredo J. Pérez

Incorporating Social Justice into Statistical Instruction: Using Action Research to Impact Pre-Service Teachers, Basil Conway and Nguyen Ha