Columbus State University Faculty Bibliography | Faculty Endeavors | Columbus State University

The Faculty Bibliography highlights the scholarship and creativity of Columbus State University's faculty.


Submissions from 1979

Education in a Luba Secret Society, John Studstill

Submissions from 1977

Peer Evaluation in a Field-Based English Methods Course., James Brewbaker

What Happened in Aigroeg, James Brewbaker


When Teacher Educator Practices What Is Preached: Peer Teaching and Evaluation in a Field-Based English Methods Course., James Brewbaker

A guide to Tuscaloosa, Eutaw and Blufftown formations in Muscogee and Chattahoochee counties, Georgia, William J. Frazier

Geology of the fall line: A field guide to structure and petrology of the Uchee belt and facies stratigraphy of the Eutaw formation in southwestern Georgia and adjacent Alabama, William J. Frazier

Submissions from 1976

Of Squeaks and Squirrels and Wheels and Things, James Brewbaker

Why Students Fail in Masomo, Zaire, John Studstill

Submissions from 1975

Quantitative Trilobite Taxonomy and Biostratigraphy of Middle Cambrian Trilobites from Montana and Wyoming, David R. Schwimmer

Submissions from 1974

The Development of a Model Comprehensive Needs-Based Guidance System and Modular Instructional Strategies: A Project Overview, Stanley Bernknopf and Duane Hartley

Environmental inventory and analysis of the site for the proposed John Rigdon Center for Environmental Education, George Stanton and Deborah Braun

Submissions from 1972

Simulation Games and the English Teacher, James Brewbaker

The Relationship between the Race of Characters in a Literary Selection and the Literary Responses of Negro and White Adolescent Readers., James Brewbaker

The middle cambrian biostratigraphy of Montana and Wyoming, David R. Schwimmer

Submissions from 1971

Mechanism of oxidation of iron pyrites, Anil Banerjee

The Nature and Utility of the Structural Study of Myth, John Studstill

Submissions from 1970

L'Arbre Ancestral dans les Contes Africains, John Studstill

Submissions from 1969

The growth and allometry of the trilobite Phacops rana, David R. Schwimmer