The Faculty Bibliography highlights the scholarship and creativity of Columbus State University's faculty.
Submissions from 2019
Multidomainbenchmark: A multi-domain query and subject database suite, Hyrum D. Carroll, John L. Spouge, and Mileidy Gonzalez
Ownership structure and hospital service costs and fees: A decomposition approach, Steven B. Caudill, Franklin G. Mixon, and Megan E. Richards
Fame in the sciences: a culturomics approach, Ho Fai Chan, Franklin G. Mixon, and Benno Torgler
One Tough Cookie: Exploring Black Women’s Responses to Empire’s Cookie Lyon, Melissa A. Click and Sarah Smith-Frigerio
Targeting Conceptual Understanding: How to Improve Learning and Course Retention in Research Methods Courses, Nathan J. Combes
The Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment: A Comparison of Students’ Statistical Reasoning Ability, Basil Conway, W. Gary Martin, Marilyn Strutchens, Marie Kraska, and Huajun Huang
Linking Practice and Classroom: Nonprofit Financial Management Curricula in MPA and MPP Programs, Dwight V. Denison and Saerim Kim
The impact of teacher–student relationships and classroom engagement on student growth percentiles of 7th and 8th grade students, David Dennie, Parul Acharya, Deirdre Greer, and Camille Bryant
The tensions between indigenous knowledge and western science, Michael W. Dentzau
Mademoiselle de Joncquières réal. by Emmanuel Mouret, Anna Dimitrova
Major league baseball’s Moneyball at age 15: a re-appraisal, Christopher M. Duquette, Richard J. Cebula, and Franklin G. Mixon
An evaluation model for Auto-generated cognitive scripts, Ahmed M. ELMougi, Yasser M.K. Omar, and Rania Hodhod
Public policy and the university-industry R&D nexus, Joao Faria, Franklin Mixon, and Kamal Upadhyaya
Academic scholarship, organization prestige, and the earnings of U.S. business school deans, João Ricardo Faria, Daniel M. Gropper, Franklin G. Mixon, and Julissa Y. Santoyo
Gang Rivalry and Crime: A Differential Game Approach, João Ricardo Faria, Franklin G. Mixon, Ashish Upadhyaya, and Kamal P. Upadhyaya
Alumni donations and university reputation, João Ricardo Faria, Franklin G. Mixon, and Kamal P. Upadhyaya
Real-Time Streaming Application for IoT Using Raspberry Pi and Handheld Devices, Jordan Filteau, Suk Jin Lee, and Andrew Jung
Evaluation of Environmental Impact and Responsibility of Russian Largest Companies, John T. Finley, Anna Y. Verenikina, and Alexei O. Verenikin
Land surface heterogeneity and tornado occurrence: an analysis of Tornado Alley and Dixie Alley, Amy E. Frazier, Benjamin Hemingway, and Jordan P. Brasher
A Sense of Mattering: A Group Intervention for African American Boys, Eva M. Gibson, Mariama Cook Sandifer, and Winifred Bedford
Why Goodwill Accounting Should Be on Internal Auditors' Radar Screens, Terry Grant and Jasmine Bordere
Identification of Pediatric Schistosomiasis in Bokhol, Senegal: A Case Report to Aid Nurse Practitioners in Practice, Sarah E. Gravel1, Marguerite Lawrence, Gwendolyn G. Miller, Aimee C. Vael, and Paul J. Luft
Identification of Pediatric Schistosomiasis in Bokhol, Senegal: A Case Report to Aid Nurse Practitioners in Practice, Sarah E. Gravel, Marguerite Lawrence, Gwendolyn G. Miller, Aimee C. Vael, and Paul J. Luft
Constructing Teacher Leadership Through Mentoring: Functionality of Mentoring Practices in Evolving Teacher Leadership, Tugce Gul, Kadir Demir, and Brett Criswell
Constructing Teacher Leadership Through Mentoring: Functionality of Mentoring Practices in Evolving Teacher Leadership February 2019Journal of Science Teacher Education 30(8):1-20 DOI: 10.1080/1046560X.2018.1558655 Authors: Tugce Gul Kadir Demir Brett Criswell Request Full-text Paper PDF, Tugce Gul, Kadir Demir, and Brett Criswell