"Constructing Teacher Leadership Through Mentoring: Functionality of Me" by Tugce Gul, Kadir Demir et al.

Constructing Teacher Leadership Through Mentoring: Functionality of Mentoring Practices in Evolving Teacher Leadership

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Publication Title

Journal of Science Teacher Education



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mentor teachers, mentoring, professional development, secondary science teachers, Teacher leadership development


© 2019, © 2019 Association for Science Teacher Education. Mentoring, as one of the formal teacher leadership roles, creates a space for teachers to display their leadership potential as it indirectly brings value to the school community (Ensher & Murphy, 2006). The purpose of this qualitative case study is to examine mentor teachers’ perceptions whether they transfer their evolving mentoring skills into other leadership practices. The participants entail three experienced secondary physics and chemistry teachers [Master Teaching Fellows (MTFs)]. The data obtained from interviews with the MTFs and archival data from the leadership program are analyzed using multiple coding methods (In Vivo, Thematic Analysis, and Theoretical Coding- Saldaña, 2013). It is found that mentoring is a vital component of teacher leader development, which is a continual process of capacity building requiring time and patience. The results provide practical suggestions to mentors and PD developers for fruitful formation of effective mentoring and leading skills to be influencing other teachers. The complexity of mentoring/leadership work require support of a community to achieve desired outcomes. Thus, providing structured training for mentors should be an integral part of school professional development.

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