"Servant Leadership and Job Satisfaction" by Brady Fleming, David De Jong et al.
Servant Leadership: Theory & Practice


Data from recent studies indicate that school principal turnover is high and that some principals suggest low job satisfaction levels. Superintendent leadership can influence the job satisfaction level of principals. This study examined the extent to which superintendent servant leadership behaviors correlate with principal job satisfaction. The population included all public school principals in the state. The final sample size consisted of 312 principals. The study utilized two survey instruments to explore superintendent servant leadership characteristics and job satisfaction data. The servant leadership characteristics included accountability, authenticity, courage, empowerment, forgiveness, humility, standing back, and stewardship. Questions investigating principal job satisfaction were broken into intrinsic and extrinsic subcategories. Results indicated a statistically significant relationship between superintendent servant leadership behavior and overall principal job satisfaction. Data also showed statistically significant relationships between each of the eight servant leadership characteristics and overall principal job satisfaction.
