"K-12 Teacher Perceptions of Online Learning and Information Technology" by Michael Wayne Carraway II

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type

Doctor of Education In Curriculum and Leadership


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Parul Acharya, EdD

Second Advisor

Christopher Garretson, EdD

Third Advisor

Rania Hodhod, EdD


This study examines K-12 teacher technology acceptance through their perceptions of the learning management system Google Classroom, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. This correlational research study is conducted through a survey adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model, Information technology support analysis, and a functionality usability survey. This study examines the relationships between functionality, usability, IT support, perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), attitudes towards use (ATU), behavioral intention to use (BI), and actual usage (AU). Structural equation modelling is conducted at the construct level in order to determine relationships between constructs. Additionally, this study explores assessment and implementation problems experienced by teachers in the emergency period of online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have statistically significant relationships with attitude towards use and behavioral intention to use. SEM results also showed attitude towards use had a statistically significant relationship with behavioral intention to use. SEM results showed that behavioral intention to use had a small statistically significant relationship with actual usage. SEM results showed mixed relationships between functionality and perceived usefulness, IT support and perceived usefulness, IT support and perceived ease of use, and usability with perceived ease of use. Additionally, based on Pearson correlations, perceived ease of use had statistically significant relationships with behavioral intention to use. Qualitative results showed that teachers faced academic dishonesty problems, technology problems, and teacher specific problems while implementing online learning. This study is intended to inform leaders in the education field about teacher vii perceptions, along with problems faced by teachers, in an effort to better support K-12 schools in the event of another emergency and for the betterment of online learning as a whole.

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