"A Mixed Method Descriptive Study of High School Graduates' Dual Enroll" by Sherry W. Johnson

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Michael Richardson

Second Advisor

Marguerite Yates

Third Advisor

Christopher Garretson


The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine the perceptions of graduates regarding the benefits of participating in Dual Enrollment and how their participation influenced their college readiness. Dual enrollment programs have become prominent nationwide. Several studies show positive outcomes including increased high school completion, improved postsecondary persistence, and higher college degree completion. This study will evaluate dual enrollment participants at one high school located in central Georgia. Data is analyzed and presented based on relevance to the effectiveness of the dual enrollment program. The study was important because the success of Dual Enrollment could provide a possible remedy for the challenges of decreased college degrees, training for the workforce, and college preparedness. This study will be relevant because scholars are unclear about the effects and effectiveness of Dual Enrollment on college readiness. This research was designed to close some of the gaps in the literature and help education stakeholders continue developing and promoting effective procedures to the Dual Enrollment program. An online survey instrument and a telephone interview were utilized to gain the perceptions of the high school Dual Enrollment students. Mixed method including quantitative and qualitative measures will be applied to this study.
