"Dual-Career Couples: A Coup or to Cope in Academia" by Kendall D. Isaac

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership


Dual-career couples are common in academia. Indeed, anyone presently working at a higher education institution can likely make a cursory and informal inquiry to see if there are couples on his campus and quickly realize that several exist. Couples working on the same campus can bring with it certain positives such as increased institutional loyalty and productivity, as well as certain negatives such as departmental frustration at a trailing spouse hire and possible discord at times when the couple’s relationship lacks harmony. In an attempt to delve deeper into this phenomenon and to explore the pros and cons associated with employing couples on the same campus, the researcher conducted a qualitative research study to review the policies and procedures at a specific subset of institutions, namely the 26 higher education institutions that collectively form the University System of Georgia. Through descriptive content analysis, the researcher examined the positives and negatives of dual-career couples.
