This study examined the effects of the flipped classroom (FC) on overall learning in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Learning in the FC at the different levels of learning in Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT) was also investigated. We predicted that students in the FC would learn more than students in the traditional class and that students in the FC would initially score higher on items assessing lower BT levels (LL), but as they get more FC experiences would score higher on items assessing higher levels of BT (HL). Results indicated that there were no differences in exam scores between the traditional and FC sections. Students in the flipped sections scored higher on LL than on HL items in exam 1, but performed better on HL items than on LL items in exam 2. Implications and limitations of the study, as well as directions for future research, are discussed.
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Ibrahim, M., & Agbenin, I. (2018). The Impact of Flipping an Educational Psychology Classroom on Learning at Different Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. Perspectives In Learning, 17 (1). Retrieved from https://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/pil/vol17/iss1/4
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