The Faculty Bibliography highlights the scholarship and creativity of Columbus State University's faculty.


Submissions from 2000


Proving that Oil and Water Mix: Science and Young Adult Literature., James Brewbaker

Check point firewall-1, Steven Brown and Marcus Gonçalves

"Worthy Wages for Professionals Caring for our Most Precious Aspects of the Future: Recruiting and Retaining High Quality Professionals in the Early Childhood Field", Kyle Brumley and Tina Butcher

Columbus State University Chorale : an evening of English music, November 16, 2000. [sound recording]., Janie Bullock and Joseph Golden

Extending Early Childhood and Elementary Science Concepts with Home-School Packets, Tina Butcher

Creating Opportunities for Excellence through Student Services, Tina Butcher, P. Barnes, T. Ford, and Cynthia Benator

"Science Activities for Preschool and School Age Children", Tina Butcher and Cynthia Benator

Meeting the Developmental and Educational Needs of Homeless Infants and Young Children, Tina D. Butcher

Generating Parent Participation through Science Activities, Tina Butcher and R. Dumas

"Let's Pretend: Dramatic Play Opportunities for Young Children", Tina Butcher and S. Elkins

International and US standards: error and fraud, Janet Colbert

The impact of the new external auditing standards, Janet Colbert

Strategies for dealing with fraud, Janet Colbert and Brian Turner

KRAFT: Chamber Symphony No. 2 / 6 Pieces for Violin / Line Drawings / Cummingsong / The Garden of Memory, Leo Craft, Mark Bleeke, Marcia Butler, Paul Lustig Dunkel, Greg Heffelink, Paul Hostetter, Renee Jolles, Sue Ann Kahn, Michael Lipsey, Lois Martin, Christopher Oldfather, George Rothman, and Deborah Wong

The Orpheus ball, February 4, 2000 [videorecording], Richard "Spencer" Garrard, Patricio Cobos, Nichole Day, Ivey Shelvia, Robert W. Rumbelow, Katie Alexander, Benjamin Wells, Maureen McKay, Joseph Golden, Brandt Sims, Gerald Yarbray, Derrick Jackson, Miki Huggins, Stephanie Blocker, Jennifer Morse, and Paul Vander Gheynst

Legal and ethical issues involving the duty to warn: Implications for supervisors., Lenoir S. Gillam

Columbus State University Chorale : an evening of English music, November 16, 2000. [videorecording]., Joseph Golden

Opera 2000 : an evening of one-act operas, March 23, 2000. [videorecording] / Columbus State University Opera presents., Joseph Golden

The Orpheus ball, February 4, 2000. [videorecording]., Joseph Golden

Organ and friends III, April 17, 2000. [videorecording]., Joseph Golden and Janie Bullock

Kristen Hansen, horn, February 21, 2000. [videorecording]., Kristen Hansen

Kristen Hansen, horn, November 3, 2000. [videorecording]., Kristen Hansen

Fizika 8: Zbirka Rijesenih Zadataka (Physics 8: Collection of Solved Problems), Zdeslav Hrepic

Pravo Na Zdrav Okolis: Zakonske Uredbe i Mali Vodic Ekologije u Domacinstvu (Right on Healthy Life: Legal Regulations and a Small Guide of Ecology in Your House), Zdeslav Hrepic

Students' Misconceptions in Understanding of Sound, Zdeslav Hrepic