Conducting research in early childhood education: A review of guy roberts-holmes’ doing your early years research project: A step-by-step guide
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Qualitative Report
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Early childhood, Ethical issues, Observations, Qualitative research, Research projects
© 2016: Richard H. Rogers and Nova Southeastern University. Research should be an important component of courses at the college level. Doing Your Early Years Research Project by Guy Roberts-Holmes provides the theory and practice for technical college and undergraduate students to conduct qualitative research in the field of early childhood education. It truly is a step-by-step guide that helps students create a topic that is both personally and professionally meaningful, teaches them how to review the literature, collect data, make meaning of the data, and create the final research project. Researchers will finish this book and project knowing they made a positive difference in children’s lives.
Recommended Citation
Rogers, Richard H., "Conducting research in early childhood education: A review of guy roberts-holmes’ doing your early years research project: A step-by-step guide" (2016). Faculty Bibliography. 2983.