Complex start-ups: A thematic analysis into entrepreneur-opportunity fit concept
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Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
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Artisan, Branding, Complementary partners, Complex start-ups, Entrepreneur, Fit, Mentor, Opportunity, Production, Qualitative analysis, Thematic analysis
© 2016 Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial research has provided scant insight into how the entrepreneur views the fit between themselves and the opportunity they are pursuing. This study provides the first empirical exploration of this fit by interviewing entrepreneurs that have launched ventures in the complex market of craft brewing. The thematic analysis provides an inclusive and holistic research approach in which the emergent themes show that entrepreneurs do actively perceive the fit between themselves and the opportunity. They must also reassess this fit frequently in order to evolve and adapt to market forces that change the opportunity and gaps between the two, such as knowledge, skills, and abilities, the opportunity itself, and fit implementation, develop.
Recommended Citation
Miller, Richard J.; Munoz, Laura; and Hurt, Kevin J., "Complex start-ups: A thematic analysis into entrepreneur-opportunity fit concept" (2016). Faculty Bibliography. 2980.