ADDSMART: Address digitization and smart mailbox with RFID technology

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

2016 IEEE 7th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference, UEMCON 2016


address digitization, Arduino, automated delivery, home automation, home security, RFID, sensors, smart mailbox


© 2016 IEEE. ADDSMART is a research project focused on digitizing addresses of locations and building a smart mailbox by combining wireless sensors, cameras, locks, and RFID readers and tags into a system controlled by an Arduino microcontroller board. We explored the idea of address digitization (using RFID tags to store addresses) and incorporated it into a mailbox that can communicate wirelessly with the homeowner to provide mail status updates and home security footage through digital photographs. This paper demonstrates our proposed ideas, describes the design of a smart mailbox, the technology we have used to build a prototype, and the current results of work along with future research ideas.

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