Direct autolink
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Embedded programming, Mobile application, Peer-to-peer connection, SmartCar
© 2017 ACM. Direct Autolink is an interconnected system of programs that establish both hardware and software connections between an ARM-based computer and handhold devices designed with ease of modularization. These programs are capable of sending and receiving commands and files over this connection. Similar systems exist using the internet, which presents both speed and safety concerns. The proposed system establishes a direct communication channel without Internet enabled, so that it can release the concerns raised from the Internet-based connection.
Recommended Citation
Hoelscher, Kenneth; Jung, Andrew Changyong; Allgood, Lucas; and Lee, Suk Jin, "Direct autolink" (2017). Faculty Bibliography. 2943.