Integrate stepping-stone intrusion detection technique into cybersecurity curriculum
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings - 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2017
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Cybersecurity, Information assurance, Intrusion detection, Network security, Stepping-stone
© 2017 IEEE. In this paper, we first introduce stepping-stone intrusion, and summarize the most popular techniques to detect stepping-stone attacks. Upon summarizing stepping-stone intrusion detection techniques, five modules are proposed and integrated into cybersecurity curriculum. Ten labs which span from making stepping-stone intrusion, collecting TCP/IP packets, matching Send and Echo packets, comparing thumbprint, estimating the length of a connection chain, to identifying crossover packets, are designed to help students to further assimilate the techniques on stepping-stone intrusion and its detection.
Recommended Citation
Yang, Jianhua; Zhang, Yongzhong; and Zhao, Guoqing, "Integrate stepping-stone intrusion detection technique into cybersecurity curriculum" (2017). Faculty Bibliography. 2938.