"Civil religion reconsidered: The saliency of a venerable concept" by Troy Manuel Vidal

Civil religion reconsidered: The saliency of a venerable concept

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Publication Title

Perspectives on Political Science



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© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This essay reexamines civil theology, a venerable concept in the field of political science and how it is symbolized in contemporary political practice. Civil theology provides the foundation of politics for a community and is reflected in its myths and how the community interpretes itself within the greater structure of reality. It is during periods of crises, however, when this myth structure and society’s understanding of itself come into question that civil theology presents itself as a salient topic for theoretical analysis and speculation. This article considers a contemporary response to the crisis of our time, one associated with the breakdown of the “traditional” American civil theology and the impact this has had on political thought and policy debates. From an understanding of this response may come a broader knowledge of the problems confronting the policy process as well as potential resolutions.

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