TOSS: A topology-based scheduler for storm c1usters
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 34th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020
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© 2020 IEEE. Nowadays, our world is undergoing profound challenges in processing a massive amount of data. A handful of computation technologies emerge as a promising computation platform for data intensive processing. Apache Storm is an outstanding open-source platform for largescale streaming computation, which is widely used in the industry (eg., Twitter). Performance bottleneck problems encountered in streaming data applications motivate us to investigate scheduling issues in Storm. A key aspect of tuning Storm performance is to decide how to deploy components of a storm application among all available nodes in a cluster. Driven by our observations, we design and implement a new scheduling strategy called TOSS based on application structures. Compared to the existing round-robin scheduler, TOSS not only judiciously handles tight-bind components, but also balances workloads by introducing a self-tuning mechanism in the deployment stage. We conduct experiments by applying two popular and distinct topologies to evaluate the performance of TOSS. The experimental results suggest that TOSS significantly boost the performance of the round-robin scheduler. ln particular, TOSS substantially improves the system throughput of Storm while shortens latency of Storm applications.
Recommended Citation
Zhou, Yi; Liu, Yangyang; Zhang, Chaowei; Peng, Xiaopu; and Oin, Xiao, "TOSS: A topology-based scheduler for storm c1usters" (2020). Faculty Bibliography. 2684.