Entrepreneurship as a career choice: intentions, attitudes, and outcome expectations
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Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
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attentes entrepreneuriales de résultats, attitudes entrepreneuriales, entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurial intentions, entrepreneurial outcome expectations, Entrepreneurship education, Intentions entrepreneuriales, social cognitive career theory, théorie sociale cognitive de la carrière, Éducation à l’esprit d’entreprise
© 2019, © 2019 Journal of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship/Conseil de la PME et de l’entrepreneuriat. This manuscript presents an empirically tested model of entrepreneurial intentions based upon social cognitive career theory (SCCT). Our study consisted of 320 undergraduate business students at a large U.S. university and emphasizes the important influences of prior exposure to entrepreneurship, as well as social support mechanisms on formation of entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial outcome expectations. We offer strong theoretical support to the entrepreneurial intentions literature through the lens of SCCT. Additionally, our manuscript highlights the important role of entrepreneurial attitude in mediating the relationship between entrepreneurial motivation and intention. SCCT offers additional explanation to the existing underspecified model and complexity of entrepreneurial intentions. In this manuscript the authors identify attitude as an important precursor to entrepreneurial intent.
Recommended Citation
Liguori, E.; Winkler, C.; Vanevenhoven, J.; Winkel, D.; and James, M., "Entrepreneurship as a career choice: intentions, attitudes, and outcome expectations" (2020). Faculty Bibliography. 2672.