
Whitney Pasch

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type

The Degree of Doctor of Education In Curriculum and Leadership


Teacher Education

First Advisor

Jan G. Burcham

Second Advisor

Tugce Gul

Third Advisor

Jennifer Lovelace


Without the assistance of many people, this journey would not have been possible. I am truly grateful for the opportunity this process had afforded. First, I would like to thank my Dissertation Chair, Dr. Jan Burcham. Dr. Burcham has provided feedback and has shown unending patience with me throughout this adventure! I am forever grateful for her knowledge and flexibility, especially as we worked through a global pandemic. Next, I would like to thank Dr. Tugce Gul and Dr. Jennifer Lovelace for your meaningful insight and feedback while serving on my committee. Your positivity and belief in this study has been inspiring, and I have truly enjoyed working and learning with you. Last, for J.D. Vance’s (2016) Hillbilly Elegy, which was the initial inspiration for my research into adverse childhood experiences. Understanding that a person’s past does not indict a meaningless future is paramount to sympathizing with those individuals who have experienced trauma. The bravery of Vance’s family and the participants in this study to be successful, no matter the circumstances is utterly inspiring!

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