"A Longitudinal Analysis: Interpreting PBIS SAS Results and Disciplinar" by Johnathan Andrew Gross

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type

Degree of Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Leadership


Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Robert Waller

Second Advisor

Dr. Parul Acharya

Third Advisor

Dr. Richard Rogers


This study examined the relationship between staff perceptions of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Office Discipline Referrals (ODR) across elementary, middle, and high schools in a middle Georgia school district over a three-year period (2019-2022). PBIS is a research-based framework that aims to improve school-discipline procedures, effectively reduce ODR, and enhance school climate. The study focused on the Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) data and ODRs to determine whether staff perceptions of PBIS impacted student behavior management across all levels of the district. Using causal-comparative and correlational research designs, the study analyzed staff perceptions obtained through the SAS survey instrument and compared the data to disciplinary trends from 2019 to 2022. The study added to the existing literature on PBIS by longitudinally investigating the influence of staff perceptions on ODR at different school levels. Findings from the study provide valuable insights for school leaders and teachers seeking to improve school climate and student outcomes using the PBIS framework. Understanding the factors contributing to the successful implementation of PBIS with fidelity at different school levels and over time informed more effective PBIS implementation strategies, which could be tailored according to each school level's unique contextual factors.

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