"A Mixed Methods Examination Of The Relationship between Workload, Job " by Amy Fenech Sandy

Date of Award

Fall 11-28-2022




Doctor of Education

First Advisor

Jennifer Brown, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Jennifer M. Lovelace, PhD.

Third Advisor

Stuart Rayfield, Ed.D



Increased budgetary constraints for postsecondary institutions may lead to increased workloads for full-time faculty members. Previous studies have shown that a negative relationship exists between workload and job satisfaction, which may lead to faculty burnout and increased faculty turnover. Identifying factors associated with faculty job satisfaction and burnout and understanding and predicting faculty intent to leave is necessary for the retention of qualified faculty and proper functioning of postsecondary institutions. The theoretical framework that was the basis of this research was Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation, which states that certain factors must be in place to prevent job dissatisfaction from occurring. Furthermore, employee satisfaction in one or more work areas does not ensure overall job satisfaction. The purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed methods study was to use quantitative data measuring workload, job satisfaction, and burnout to predict faculty intentions to leave in full-time faculty members at three state colleges in the University System of Georgia. Phase 1 of the study measured faculty job satisfaction, burnout, and intention to leave the institution from answers to a web-based survey instrument. Phase 2 of the study included qualitative interviews with select faculty from the survey respondents in Phase 1. Data analyses included descriptive statistics, a logistic regression, and coding to discover themes that emerged from interview responses. Quantitative results suggested that there were no significant predictors of turnover intention. The qualitative results suggested that there may be other factors affecting faculty turnover intentions. Implications of this study may assist postsecondary administrators in preventing job dissatisfaction and burnout in faculty members, which may lead to increased faculty retention and effectiveness.

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