"An Analysis of Retention through the Perceptions of Teachers in a Midd" by Mark Antley

Date of Award

Spring 7-27-2022




Doctor of Education

Degree Type

Degree of Doctor of Education In Curriculum and Leadership


Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Anna Hart

Second Advisor

Dr. Christopher Garreston

Third Advisor

Dr. Deirdre Greer


The purpose of this study was to assess the initiatives and incentives preferred by certified teachers employed by a Middle Georgia school district with the goal of formulating a plan to retain teachers. This quantitative study looked at factors such as race, gender, age, and grade level of teachers and the statistical significance to initiatives and incentives and the effect on teacher retention. The data from the study was obtained using a survey administered to teachers in the district with various levels of experience.

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Education Commons
