"School-Level Administrator and Teacher Perceptions of the Impact of Te" by Sabrina Stephens

Date of Award

Spring 4-24-2022




Doctor of Education

Degree Type

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Leadership


Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Robert Waller, EdD

Second Advisor

Richard Rogers, EdD

Third Advisor

Christopher Brown, EdD


Teacher evaluations have a substantial impact on student achievement. Students rely on their teachers to provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in today’s ever- changing world. Teachers are required to meet the needs of every student and perform to the best of their ability. Administrators support and evaluate teachers to help them make important decisions about their instructional practices. The purpose of the current study explored teacher and administrator perceptions of teacher evaluation ratings and its impact on classroom instruction. The current study utilized the principle of personal mastery as it assessed the impact teacher evaluations have on teacher practices during classroom instruction. A qualitative research design was used to collect and analyze survey data from Georgia teachers and school-level administrators.

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Education Commons
