"Assessment Coordinators’ Perceptions of the Impact of Using Electronic" by Saoussan Maarouf

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Deirdre Greer

Second Advisor

Michael Richardson

Third Advisor

Burhanettin Keskin


Systematic data collection is a fundamental requirement for the accountability of teacher preparation programs since it has been strongly associated with accreditation standards and the need to drive continuous improvement. Electronic assessment systems have become increasingly valuable for colleges of education since it provided a non-biased evaluation of competency, more reliable scoring, and scientific judgment to drive improvement. However, teacher preparation programs are having difficulties to implement effective assessment systems that are powerful enough to drive a change and to meet standards

The researcher in this study extended previous research in relation to the subject of electronic assessment systems, their users, and their ability to meet NCATE standards and explored their ability to meet CAEP standards as perceived by assessment coordinators. The impact of using different types of electronic assessment systems (commercial, hybrid, and in-house) on meeting NCATE Standard 2 and CAEP Standard 5.3 as perceived by assessment program coordinators was also investigated. Moreover, the commitment of leadership at higher education institutions to provide needed support to comply with the national standards for data requirements in education was also examined.

A survey was sent to assessment coordinators at NCATE accredited colleges of education nationwide. This opinion survey covered a range of requirements by NCATE Standard 2 and CAEP Standard 5.3 in order to identify key indicators that contributed to specific variables related to the use of electronic assessment systems at the surveyed institutions. A Likert scale was developed to answer the survey questions. A quantitative research analysis was conducted using SPSS statistical software. SPSS runs ranging from descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to Canonical Correlation were used to analyze the data.

The first finding of this research was that colleges of education are now utilizing more commercial electronic assessment systems to address their data collection
