"An Examination of Teacher Perceptions of Credit Recovery in Three Sout" by Brooks Robinson

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Michael Richardson

Second Advisor

Pamela Lemoine

Third Advisor

Christopher Garretson


The present study was an exploration of the credit recovery program in three school districts in Georgia. The researcher explored the implementation of the credit recovery program used as a tool for improving graduation rates and college and career readiness of students in three purposefully selected school districts in Georgia. Three research questions were used focusing on the implementation process, the reason why the credit recovery program was implemented, and the outcome of the credit recovery program after implementation. The methodology was a qualitative comparative research design, which included data from three school districts in Georgia. Data were collected via teacher surveys, individual interviews, and document analysis. Findings from the study showed that the credit recovery programs were implemented according to plan, were established to meet specific goals, which included improving graduation rates, decreasing dropout rates, and providing failing students a second chance or opportunity to graduate with their peers. Even though there was evidence of a lack of trainings for teachers, as a whole, and no procedures in place to hold students accountable when they used the available online program after school and at home, goals and objectives as established for the credit recovery program were met. When asked about credit recovery trainings and whether or not students were held accountable, respondents’ responses varied. Therefore, recommendations for further study included the establishment of effective professional development programs for teachers and the implementation of accountability and control measures to increase the college and career ready rate of students.
