"TYA Adaptations for the Theatre Educator" by Laura Ashley Butler

Date of Award

Spring 2018




Theatre Education

Degree Type

Master of Education in Theatre Education


Theatre Department

First Advisor

Brenda May Ito

Second Advisor

Lawrence Dooley

Third Advisor

Krystal Kennel


Over the last century, adaptations in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) have been the subject of some debate. While adaptations are currently the most produced type of play by children’s theatre companies and professional theatre organizations, original TYA scripts are the ones that receive the majority of the praise and acclaim, In addition, theatre educators throughout the United States struggle to produce quality plays with the limited funds they have been allotted. This paper serves multiple purposes. It aims to give theatre educators the tools they need to overcome the stigmatized opinions of adapted works. Additionally, it highlights the financial and educational benefits for teachers who write their own adaptations for use in the classroom and on stage. Using writing techniques and methods from some of the best playwrights and adaptors in the TYA world, theatre educators will be able to create meaningful, challenging works adapted from children’s literature.
