"An Examination of the Identification of Student Veterans within the Un" by Stefane Dione Raulerson

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Marguerite Yates

Second Advisor

Basil Conway IV

Third Advisor

John Lester


Within the USG, no systematic approach exists regarding the identification of its student veterans. In support of the significant number of veterans living in Georgia and more of them utilizing VA educational benefits, the purpose of the research was to explore the various means in which USG institutions identify student veterans and use this information to make data-driven decisions as well as establish retention and graduation rates. The research included surveying and interviewing, following theoretical sampling. Interviews were conducted to obtain more comprehensive and detailed information on the survey results where participants indicated the identification of student veterans, use of data related to the identification of student veterans, and offering transitional resources for the purpose of increase academic success. Grounded theory approach was used to generate a theory following the collection of survey data and using theoretical sampling to determine institutions for involved in the interview process. Quantitative data were analyzed for descriptive statistics with the qualitative data subjected to a multi-level approach of open, axial, and selective coding. Key findings included an inventory of the transitional resources offered within the USG, the extent of retention and graduation tracking within the USG, and the awareness of the various means within the USG for recording student veteran identification. The grounded theory proposed for student veteran identification in a consistent manner among USG institutions include the use of select Banner screens for specific purposes and verifying or confirming the identification for accuracy. Complete and thorough veteran status identification will provide a basis for generating reports for data-driven decisions.
