"Curriculum Change: A Study on Teacher Perceptions of Curriculum Chang" by Tiffany Kessler-Hopek

Date of Award





Doctor of Education

Degree Type



Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Michael D. Richardson

Second Advisor

Marguerite Yates

Third Advisor

Jan Burcham


In the United States, curriculum has encountered frequent changes throughout years. The main initiative of educational change has three main components, and they are to increase the quality and rigor of the curriculum, have a common curriculum, and prepare students for secondary education. The standards in the state of Georgia have changed from Georgia Performance Standards and Common Core State Standards to the more recent Georgia Standards of Excellence. By the school year 2018-2019, the Georgia Standards of Excellence should be fully adopted. An explanatory sequential mixed methods study was conducted to examine the perceptions of teachers on curriculum change in a Western Georgia high school. A survey was distributed first to the entire teaching faculty and followed by focus group sessions. The survey data from 26 participants were analyzed using descriptives. The focus group data from 12 participants were transcribed, coded, and organized into themes, which included: teachers desired for more input in making and revising curriculum standards, an increased stress level and workload, and a need for more professional development. The researcher discussed implications and recommendations for future research and offered concluding thoughts. With the knowledge gained through this study, policymakers can have a better understanding of how to support teachers with curriculum change.
