"Principals' Perceptions of Brain-Based Learning" by Tami Hudson Godman

Date of Award





Doctor of Education


Counseling, Foundations & Leadership

First Advisor

Robert Waller

Second Advisor

Michael Richardson

Third Advisor

Christopher Garretson


The problem addressed by the study was a lack of research on principal’s perceptions of brain-based learning and the potential impact on classroom instruction. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the principal’s perceptions of brain-based learning and instruction at their schools. The following research has been conducted using a qualitative paradigm. A case study involved a focus group of 12 principals and additional interviews with four of those principals. The qualitative data were thematically coded to provide information on patterns and practices within a variety of schools in the area. The findings offer the educational field insight on the impact principals’ perceptions have on brain-based learning to improve student learning and teaching practices. The data collected support that a school principal’s perception of brain-based learning directly affects the implementation of brain-based education in the school. School principals perceived brain-based learning activities as successful; implications are the continued use of brain-based learning in schools as well as professional development.
