Teacher and Principal Perceptions of Deliberate Principal Behaviors Related to School Climate

Christopher Brown


The passage of various federal legislative acts brought about different demands on public school principals, most notable accountability. The purpose of the mixed methods study was to answer questions regarding what specific principal leadership behaviors promoted a healthy school climate in high schools. The research used two different survey instruments to obtain perception data from high school teachers in one school district. The Leadership Practices Inventory and Organizational Climate Descriptors Questionnaire-RS was electronically sent to high school teachers. A total of 66 participants completed both survey instruments. The research utilized a Pearson Correlation to measure to what extent relationships existed between teacher perceptions of leadership behaviors and school climate. The qualitative component of this study was the use of a focus group. The principals of the teachers surveyed were the participants of the focus group. Data from the focus group was transcribed and themes were identified. The overall finding of this study was that principal behaviors did influence teacher perceptions of school climate.