

Because teenage pregnancy affects so many people, it is receiving a great deal of attention in the United States as well as in other leading nations. Teaching young people that sex before marriage is not acceptable does not prevent pregnancy. Recognizing that teen’s sexual behavior is a crucial part of their development will lead to honest and accurate information about sex. This will help teens express their sexuality in safe and healthy way. Therefore, prevention strategies should be created that address the needs of sexually active teens. Males should also be included in prevention strategies. Young males are often overlooked when it comes to preventing teenage pregnancy, although their roles are just as important as females’ roles. Teenagers who become pregnant are at a higher risk for serious complications during childbirth. At the same time, male’s socioeconomic status should be taken into consideration. Young fathers are usually poor, less educated, and often times involved in other risky behaviors. All of these factors should be taken seriously when dealing with teen pregnancy because teens having children can be a serious problem.

Author's Biographies

Atsuko Kawamata is a student in the school counseling program and completing her Masters in Education. Atsuko recently completed her internship at Arnold Middle School and has three more semesters to finish the program. Atsuko is from Japan where she studied children's education. She attends Columbus State University in order to increase her skills and gain a different perspective from educating children to counseling children.

Rodney Roundtree is completing his Masters in Education in School Counseling. Rodney enjoys working with older students and hopes to work in a high school setting. He is a positive individual and wants to be a role model for other young men.

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