

Kenyada Owens


Counseling and metaphors encompass the process of change and action through language and dialogue. According to Gareth Morgan (2002), “Images and metaphors are not only interpretive constructs or ways of seeing, they also provide frameworks for action. Their use creates insights that often allow us to act in ways that we may not have thought possible before” (p. 1). Metaphors, from the counseling perspective, can serve as a vehicle for implementing change. Whether directly or indirectly, clients seek the help of therapeutic professionals with the intent of initiating some form of growth or change. Although the process of transformation is easy to acknowledge and identify, it often times is difficult for one to accept, initiate, or implement. It is imperative for therapeutic professionals to bridge the gap between the actual individual and the internalized self that lies dormant.

Author's Biographies

Kenyada Owens is a graduate student currently enrolled at Columbus State University in the Department of Counseling & Educational Leadership. She is pursuing a degree in Community Counseling with an emphasis on Marriage & Family Therapy. Her research interests include the role of the family in the development and mental wellness of children.

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