Episode 5 - "Fame and Infamy Part 1"
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 2024
Main Question(s):
What was Lafayette’s role with women and women’s rights in France?
Episode Description:
Lafayette—revolutionary, prisoner, and polarizing figure. In this episode, we explore his years in an Austrian prison, his shifting reputation in France, and his complex relationships with women’s rights advocates.
We examine how Lafayette was viewed by different groups, from abolitionists and feminists to the European aristocracy and French revolutionaries. Did his platforming of women and marginalized voices make him progressive for his time, or was he merely another noble protecting his own interests? We also dive into his personal life, including his marriage to Adrienne de Lafayette, his friendships with feminist writers, and the growing influence of Romanticism in shaping political movements.
Recommended Citation
Anderson, Cayde; Anderson, Finley; Blocker, Avery; Jasso, Ava; Johnson, Hal; McCoy, Eleanor; Pope, David; and Smith, Stephanie, "Episode 5 - "Fame and Infamy Part 1"" (2024). Who Cares about The Marquis de Lafayette?. 8.
Episode 5 Transcripts
Podcast Episode Guide (1).docx (31 kB)
Podcast Episode Guide - Including Citations