"A Child's Concept of the World" by Aleatha Jenkins


Aleatha Jenkins


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The materials used in this work are an assemblage of various types of materials. Each individual box is created with wood. Library card catalog cards are also used. Various types of toys were added to bring the work of art alive. Both the cards and boxes are assembled with a clear fishing line to give the effect of a mobile suspended in air.

Observing the world through a child’s eyes forms mental and emotional understanding that becomes their reality. In my work each box created represents the mixed messages given and conceived in the mind of a child. The box with the soldiers fighting brings to existence of war, fear of the unknown and confusion. Another negative issue is the box with the broken toys. The broken toys represent destructiveness that exists in a child’s life, such as violence and abuse. Many boxes contain symbols of mass media, for example the happy meal toys. This represents the influence that media has on children. On a positive side, the boxes that remind us of fairy tales, and happy endings give children a sense of hope and a good future. The box with the treasure chest portrays a need for children to search for an internal treasure, a sense of true valuable self. The stabilizing of the mobile shows the delicate balance of life.


Columbus State University, CSU Libraries, Card Catalog, Art, Sculpture
