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Purdue University Press
Tablet PCs and DyKnow software were utilized at Fort Hays State University in the teaching of an inquiry-based physical science course for elementary education majors since the summer semester of 2006. This course was originally developed in 2004 and 2005 through an NSF sponsored research effort. In this paper we compare learning gains obtained in this course during three semesters when pen-based computing technology was not utilized (Fall 04 - Fall 05) with gains obtained during three later semesters (Fall 07 - Fall 08) in which we utilized Tablet PCs and DyKnow software in teaching the course. We also report on students’ attitudes toward DyKnow software and compare them with obtained learning gains.
Recommended Citation
Hrepic, Zdeslav, "Impact of tablet PCs and Dyknow software on learning gains in inquiry-learning oriented courses" (2009). Faculty Bibliography. 588.