Research-Based Resources to Teach Chemistry : Chem Demos, Guided Inquiry Labs, Professional Development & Teaching Strategies
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Banerjee, Anil, "Research-Based Resources to Teach Chemistry : Chem Demos, Guided Inquiry Labs, Professional Development & Teaching Strategies" (2011). Faculty Bibliography. 2292.
The world of chemistry: field-tested chemical demonstrations -- Field-tested guided inquiry labs in chemistry -- Teaching chemistry using guided inquiry labs: a new professional development model for high school teachers -- Effect of guided inquiry teaching on student learning of chemistry and science inquiry: A quasi-experimental study -- A professional development model for chemistry teachers based on graduate level content and pedagogy courses -- How school size and characteristics could make a difference in student success -- An action research study on effect of guided inquiry teaching -- A new peer-tutoring model to improve student learning in introductory college chemistry courses -- Project quantum leap: a dream and futuristic curriculum project in chemistry.