Family Learning: the Missing Exemplar
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Cultural Studies of Science Education
Volume 8
Issue 2
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As a supporter of informal and alternative learning environments for science learning I am pleased to add to the discussion generated by Adriana Briseño-Garzón's article, 'More than science: family learning in a Mexican science museum'. I am keenly aware of the value of active family involvement in education in general, and science education in particular, and the portrait provided from a Mexican science museum adds to the literature of informal education through a specific sociocultural lens. I add, however, that while acknowledging the powerful the role of family in Latin American culture, the issue transcends these confines and is instead a cross-cutting topic within education as a whole. I also discuss the ease at which in an effort to call attention to cultural differences one can, by the very act, unintentionally marginalize others.
Recommended Citation
Dentzau, Michael, "Family Learning: the Missing Exemplar" (2013). Faculty Bibliography. 2284.