"Revolving Doors: The Impact of Multiple School Transitions on Military" by Michael A. Keim and S. Beth Ruff

Revolving Doors: The Impact of Multiple School Transitions on Military Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Professional Counselor


Volume 4


Number 2

First Page


Last Page



There are 1.2 million school-age children with military parents in the United States, and approximately 90% attend public schools. On average, military children move three times more often than their civilian peers. Tensions at home, enrollment issues, adapting to new schools, and a lack of familiarity with military culture by public school professionals may adversely impact the academic, social and emotional growth of these students. Public school faculty and staff need to understand the challenges that multiple school transitions impose on military children in order to effectively meet the needs of this student population. In this article, the authors review the literature concerning obstacles and challenges mobile military children face, and discuss positive interventions that professional school counselors can employ to ease these transitions.

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