Implementation of a Preceptor Training Program
Document Type
Publication Date
Publication Title
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
Volume 46
Issue 10
First Page
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A residency program in hospitals that use preceptor-ships is an important strategy for the retention of new graduate RNs. Preceptors need training to be effective in their role, and this education involves knowing how to implement the roles of the preceptor, such as role model, socializer, educator, and evaluator. A large regional medical center identified the need for a preceptor education program to improve the preceptor program experience for the preceptor and increase the retention of newly hired RNs. A preceptor training program was developed, using a blended approach. The approach included use of online modules of key concepts related to the roles of the preceptor, followed by a face-to-face class that reinforced the concepts. Increased knowledge of the preceptor's roles can help the preceptor work with the preceptee in his or her individual unit and promote retention of the new graduate RNs as they transition to practice in their first year of employment. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2015;46(10):462-469. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Recommended Citation
Condrey, Tamara, "Implementation of a Preceptor Training Program" (2015). Faculty Bibliography. 2229.