Nurturing a Write-To-Learn Initiative Across the Disciplines
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In support of their university's Quality Enhancement Plan, ”Writing the Solution: Steps toward Developing Competent and Professional Student Writers,” the presenters conducted research projects to advance the campus' write-to-learn initiative. The panel will share the success and challenge they encountered when focusing on student writing as a learning tool. Action research projects in developmental English (“Inviting [Basic] Writers into Academic Conversations: An Evaluation of the Success and Retention of [Basic] Writers”), sociology (“The Promise of Writing to Learn: Portfolio Experience in Teaching Online Clinical Sociology) and reading education (“Writing to Learn in Teacher Education) will be highlighted. The presentation will include a synopsis of writing-to-learn research as well as examples of writing assignments and ways in which feedback was provided to students regarding the content and quality of their writing and learning.
Recommended Citation
Williams, Bonita Friend; Wurz, Elizabeth; and Wakoko, Florence, "Nurturing a Write-To-Learn Initiative Across the Disciplines" (2009). Faculty Bibliography. 2177.