"Investigating the Influence of the CSU Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarshi" by Leigh A. Mathis, Cindy Ticknor et al.

Investigating the Influence of the CSU Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program on College Students' Teaching Plans

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The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (CRAFT-STEM) at Columbus State University offers academic and financial support for students pursuing secondary teaching certificates in STEM fields. In return, students commit to teaching in high-need K-12 school districts in Georgia. Here we provide preliminary results regarding influences on students’ reasoning as they select teaching as a career, STEM as a content focus, and high-needs schools as future employment. With the support of a literature review, we plan to offer a preliminary qualitative analysis of case studies representing three Noyce scholarship recipients with a range of experiences: (1) a former scholarship recipient who has graduated and is currently teaching, (2) a second-year recipient who is currently pursuing their certificate, and (3) a recipient who subsequently decided not to pursue a secondary teaching certificate. Our goal is to offer insight to University STEM Professors on strengthening recruitment and retention in their areas of interest.

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