Date of Award





Communication - Communication Studies Track

Degree Type

Masters of Arts in Communication


Communication Department

First Advisor

Dr. Tiffany N. McBride

Second Advisor

Dr. Kisun Kim

Third Advisor

Mr. Christopher Robinson


Sports broadcasting uniquely captivates and unites people in a way no other form of entertainment can. Columbus State University, an NCAA Division II organization, recognized the need to elevate its sports broadcasting capabilities to enhance fan engagement and support for its men's and women's basketball programs. The purpose of this project was to record and report the process in the development and execution of a professional sports broadcast for the 2023- 2024 men's and women's basketball season at Columbus State. This project increased visibility for multiple parties while creating future possibilities within the athletic department by introducing new technology and updating the current state of the production software. The collaborative efforts of the broadcast communication team and the staff and stakeholders were instrumental in elevating the programs to new heights of success and recognition on and off the court.
