Date of Award






Degree Type

Bachelor of Arts


History and Geography

First Advisor

Dr. Ryan Lynch

Second Advisor

Dr. Bryan Banks

Third Advisor

Dr. Cindy Ticknor


This research consists of a comparative analysis of faith crises in two distinct historical periods: the Victorian era (1830s-1914) and modern America. Through examining the Victorian crisis of faith and the contemporary American deconstruction movement within Protestant Evangelicalism, this study explores the common themes, diverse responses, and enduring relevance of faith doubt within Christianity. The Victorian crisis emerged amidst scientific advancements, theological debates, and shifting societal norms, prompting intellectuals to grapple with doubts about traditional Christian beliefs. Prominent figures publicly challenged religious orthodoxy, while evolving scientific theories, particularly evolution, further fueled skepticism. In contrast, the American crisis of Evangelicalism is characterized by disillusionment with Evangelical stances on social and political issues, leading to theological reevaluation and controversy among Americans. This comparative analysis illuminates shared challenges across different historical contexts, highlighting the complex interplay between faith, doubt, and societal change. By exploring these faith crises through a comparative lens, this study provides insight into the evolving nature of religious beliefs and their impact on individuals and communities.

Included in

History Commons
