"To What Extent Do General Education Elementary Teachers Perceive They " by Susan Fuller Elder

To What Extent Do General Education Elementary Teachers Perceive They Are Prepared To Teach Students With Disabilities?

Date of Award





Doctor of Education


Counseling, Foundations & Leadership


The passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2010 brought many changes to classes but it did not bring changes to the way teachers were trained. Many teacher preparation programs only required one exceptional child course for general education teachers. This dissertation analyzed the data gathered from 12 elementary, general education teachers on their perception of their preparedness to teach students with disabilities in their general education classrooms. The participants’ perceptions of preparedness were evaluated in regards to their pre-service training and their post-service, in-service, and professional development. The interviewees responses to this study demonstrated the need for more special education classes for general education teacher candidates; more in-service on differentiation; more time for collaboration between special educators and general educators; and more education on special education law, school law, Free and Appropriate Public Education, and school policy.

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